The Coffee Diet

The theory behind the coffee diet is that coffee contains caffeine and caffeine can increase your metabolic rate by up to 10%. Increasing your metabolic rate lets you eat more calories and stay the same weight, or if you eat fewer calories than your body needs then you will lose weight.

However, there is a catch. As soon as you start to add milk, creamer, sugar etc your coffee diet goes right out of the window as any calories you may burn as a result of the caffeine effect on your metabolism can easily be used up by the additions.


Sacred Heart Diet – Diet Information

This article looks at the ‘Sacred Heart Diet’, a soup based diet with fast weight loss claims.

Most ‘miracle’ or fast weight loss diets are designed to make users believe there is some trick behind the rapid weight loss and the Sacred heart diet appears to be no different. If you simply place the suggested ingredients for this diet into the Perfect Diet Tracker it appears to be nothing more complicated than a large reduction in calories, and therefore an unsustainable long term diet.


British Heart Foundation Diet

The British Heart Foundation diet is a three day diet with claims of a ten pound weight loss.

It was not created by, or endorsed by the British Heart Foundation and is generally recognized as a poor fad diet.

Like most other diets promising fast weight loss diets, if you place the suggested ingredients for the heart foundation diet into the Perfect Diet Tracker the diet appears to be nothing more complicated than a large reduction in calories, and is unsuitable for long term weight loss.
