Version 3 of the Perfect Diet Tracker automatically tracks the alcohol in your diet in ‘your nutritional profile’.
Following a user request, we have added a feature to the pre-release build of the software to allow alcohol to be added to the users target nutritional profile to help make a comparison of the two pie charts easier if alcohol has been consumed.
We have also added a feature to allow users to choose whether to show or hide the alcohol section of the nutritional pie charts so if you do not want to see the alcohol profile you can hide it.
The new edit settings window

This is the updated edit settings window.
The buttons have been re-arranged for clarity and the ‘include alcohol in the nutrition pie charts’ checkbox has been added.
The default setting for this checkbox is on or checked. In this state, the software will track your alcohol consumption and display it in the pie chart. We recommend this setting so you are aware of the alcohol in your diet and get a visual indication of the percentage of your calories an alcoholic beverage uses.
If you remove the check from this box the software will still track and display your alcohol consumption, however, the alcohol section of the nutritional pie chart will be removed to allow the user to compare the carbohydrate, protein and fat sections of their diet against their target nutritional profile to see if their diet, excluding alcohol consumption, is close to the target nutritional profile.
The new nutritional profile window

A slider bar has been added to the target nutritional profile adjustment window to allow users to enter an alcohol limit or target.
We have included this feature to allow users to take control of their own diet, including their alcohol consumption. We recommend you enter a target figure of 0% (zero) for alcoholic consumption.